lunes, 14 de noviembre de 2011

Entrevista literaria al profesor de Inglés. Interview about books and writers.


Stephen, uno de nuestros profesores de inglés nativos contesta en inglés a las preguntas de la entrevista.

En este caso la entrevista es literaria.

Descubre lo que piensa y opina Stephen.

Todo está en inglés.

Who is your favorite writer?

I would have to say I am not a very big fan of classics, but if I had to choose my favorite classical writer it would have to be Jane Austin. On the modern side I really like Wilbur Smith (a South African writer) as well as Stephen King.

Do you remember the first book or books you read?

Well, I think it was a classical fairy tale, Little Red Riding Hood if I am not mistaken.

Do you have any favorite books?

My all time favorite is a book by the above mentioned author Wilbur Smith called the River God, a story centered in ancient Egypt.

Which literary personality do you like or is your favorite?

Believe it or not, but it would have to be Brutus from Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar.

Whom would you choose, Don Quijote or Alatriste?

Don Quijote of course!

Is there any Spanish book that you like?

This may sound like a cliché but it is Don Quijote!

What was the last book you read?

The Mill River Recluse by Darcie Chan.

Do you have a book that you would recommend to your friends?

My favorite books as mentioned before is The river god by Wilbur Smith

Do you prefer a detective story or a love story?

I do not like love stories so obviously a detective one!

Would you choose an adventure story or a science fiction story?

That’s a difficult question, I really like both genres. Do I have to choose?

Do you opt to read a historical novel or one that deals with current affairs?

I love historical novels, especially ones based on a true story or facts.

Do you like poetry?

Not really, I think you need to be a romantic or dreamer to appreciate it.

Have you ever written your own prose or poem?

No, and I don´t think I ever will!


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